How to develop a Super Power Memory by Harry Lorayne
Foreword mark twain is reported to have said that "everyone talks about the weather, but no one does anything about it." Similarly, everyone talks or brags about their bad memory, but few people ever do anything about it. Let's face it, there isn't much you can do about the weather, but there's a great deal that you can do about your bad memory. Many people have told me that they would "give a mil- lion dollars" if they could acquire a memory like mine. Well, don't misunderstand me, I wouldn't turn down your offer of a million dollars; but, actually the price of this book is all you need to spend. This isn't true in its strictest sense; you'll also have to spend just a little bit of your time, and just a little effort to get the brain working. Once you've started on my sys- tem, you may be surprised as to how simple and obvious it really is. If you purchased this book expecting a theoretical ha- rangue of technical terms, you are doomed to disappoint- ment. I have tried to write and explain the system as if I were sitting in your living room and explaining it to you there. Although naturally, quite a bit of research was necessary, I've discarded most of the technical ideas and thoughts because I found them difficult to understand and to apply myself. I am an entertainer and a memory expert, not a psychiatrist or a doctor, and I didn't think it necessary to go into an explanation of the workings of the human brain, and just how the memory actually works in terms of cells, curves, impressions, etc. So you will find that all the ways and methods in the book are those that I use myself and therefore feel quali- fied to teach to you. Psychologists and educators have said that we use only a small percentage of our brain powerI think the system here will enable you to use just a little more than average. So, if like your operations, you have been bragging about your poor memory; I think that after you've read this book, you'll still brag about your memory, but to the other ex- treme. Now, you'll be able to boast of possessing a wonder- fully retentive and accurate memory!