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Post Info TOPIC: Takut ke Sekolah : 13/9/2007

Date: Nov 2, 2011

hjJ8Bb , zxkoxnywrdxw, [link=]drcseuvcojwy[/link],


Date: Nov 1, 2011

bK304u gwbrzffskxwc


Date: Oct 31, 2011

Your article prfeectly shows what I needed to know, thanks!



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Posts: 15
Date: Oct 13, 2011
RE: Takut ke Sekolah : 13/9/2007

Winter has just left, and the spring came with all its glories. The new grass exposed its green. The pretty flowers opened their blossoms. The branches of willow are beautiful, and staight as well as the hair that just straightened by the hair straightener. We were planning to go for an outing.
It was Sunday, the 20th of April. We set out very early on bikes, carrying bottles of champagne, beer and bags of cakes, bacon and cooked eggs. We rode along the winding paths in the fields, across the meadows and down the roads.The willow were fresh and green. The swallows were flying low and up and down the sky. The birds, like musicians, sang their melodious songs in the trees, and the butterflies, like colorful dancers, were fluttering here and there. We breathed the fresh air deeply and laughed happily.
At 10 a.m. we arrived at the foot of the hill. We left our bikes with a bike-repairing and began to climb up the hill. Near the top, we had our picnic under a big tree. We drank and ate, talked and laughed. After the picnic we spread our hands and stood in the breeze, enjoying the fine landscape. Then we lay on the grass talking about our life and studies.
At about 4 p. m., we stared to return school. Happy time flies quickly. Though it was short, it made an deep impression on me. I believe i will come again next year.



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Posts: 5
Date: Dec 31, 2010

Style jewelry, also known as cheap jewellery and outfit jewellery, is a low-cost option to expensive jewellery . Every woman wants an excellent collection of

anklet bracelets, chains and earrings, and most possess some exquisite pieces of genuine rings, but a broad collection of actual precious metal as well as

expensive diamonds earrings isn't affordable for many.

This is where cheap jewellery comes into play. While it is true which, at the lower end of the marketplace, a lot fashion jewellery is associated with poor

and is appropriately called 'junk jewelry', it is also possible to obtain a few beautiful inexpensive jewelry that may make you appear rich and trendy. These

types of style jewellery (cheap jewellery) might not be real precious metal, but is going to be precious metal plated, and you will be much more affordable

compared to luxurious jewellery.

Cheap jewelry initially grew to become popular within the thirties when it had been utilized as a low-cost style item with regard to particular outfits.

Cheap jewellery had been an immediate strike and has been hugely popular since. Often, cheap jewellery is made of less expensive materials such as plastic

material, glass, base metals, as well as artificial or non-precious stones. Even though some from the more costly inexpensive jewellery will use gold

plating, semi-precious gemstones or another type, and also the jewelry continue to be very cheap.

These inexpensive jewelry can make people think they are the real luxurious jewellery. These days increasing numbers of people select cheap jewelry with

regard to cheapness and cost-effectiveness. Now that inexpensive jewellery can function because entertainment and far cheaper, then people have no reason not

to select inexpensive jewelry.

cartier jewelry

Date: Nov 4, 2009

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Date: Aug 17, 2008

DV-X-RAY (code: DV-XR), kamera digital dapat melihat tembus baju, tubuh kelihatan bugil semua.sangat canggih, sangat kecil dan tipis, berat 215 gram, Bisa digunakan dalam jarak 2 km jauhnya kelihatan seperti melihat jarak 0,5 meter sangat jelas. Harga Rp. 1.900.000, untuk info lebih lanjut Hub:

DV-S.infrared X Ray (code: DV-S), kamera digital infra merah super canggih, kecil dan tipis, berat 223 gram, dapat melihat tembus dinding, tubuh manusia kelihatan tulangnya, diputar ke x-ray dapat melihat tembus baju, tubuh kelihatan bugil semua. Bisa digunakan dalam jarak 500 meter jauhnya kelihatan seperti melihat jarak 0,5 meter sangat jelas. Harga Rp. 3.500.000,-

Kacamata infrared x-ray(code: ixr), dapat tembus kertas dan tembus baju dapat difokus jauh dekatkan sampai jarak 10 meter, dapat membaca tulisan di buku sampai jarak 10 meter dengan jelas. Harga Rp. 500.000,-

Lensa mata blue ray (code: LBR), dapat tembus kertas dan tembus baju dapat membaca tulisan di buku sampai jarak 2 meter dengan jelas. Harga Rp. 300.000,-

Kacamata infrared x-blue ray reader (code: iXBRR), supercanggih, dapat tembus buku dan tembus baju dapat difokus jauh dekatkan sampai jarak 15 meter, dapat membaca tulisan di buku sampai jarak 11 meter dengan jelas. Dapat membaca tulisan dikacamata dan kacamata dapat diprogram tulisan sebanyak 10 halaman seperti layar monitor komputer tanpa diketahui oleh orang lain. dilengkapi dengan MP3, dilengkapi dengan headphone dan remote. remote dapat dipakai untuk mobile phone, dilengkapi dengan SIM Card, dan CardMemori 1GB , Ram 1 GB dapat diUpgrade to 10 GB, dapat digunakan untuk menyadap suara dan mendengarkan percakapan yang pelan sampai jarak 150 meter, Harga Rp. 12.400.000,

Penyadap suara mini headphone recorder (code: mhr), dapat menyadap suara dari jarak 1 km. Harga Rp. 150.000,-

Obat pemutih kulit (code: opk), dijamin dalam 1 bulan, kulit akan kelihatan putih mulus seperti bayi, tidak ada efek samping, dari ramuan alami dari Cina. 1 botol berisi 60 capsul. Harga Rp.150.000,-/botol

Obat Jerawat dan kulit bercak hitam (code: ojk), dijamin dalam 1 bulan jerawat dan bercak hitam akan hilang jadi bersih mulus kembali seperti bayi, seperti tidak pernah terkena jerawat sama sekali. Tidak ada efek samping sama sekali, dari ramuan alami china. 1 Dos berisi 1 botol cream lulur dan 1 botol berisi 30 tablet. Harga Rp. 200.000,-/Dos

Obat Ginkgo Biloba (code: OGB), Obat otak jadi lebih cerdas, setelah meminum obat ini IQ 120 akan menjadi IQ 190 dalam jangka 1 bulan, (tidak percaya coba buktikan dulu, garansi uang kembali) tidak ada efek samping, ramuan alami dari daun ginkgo biloba dari negeri cina.1 botol berisi 150 capsul. Harga Rp. 150.000,-/ botol

Obat Perangsang Sex/birahi (code: OPS), dalam 30 menit peminum akan terangsang dengan hebat, dan tidak bisa menahan diri sampai lupa diri sehingga akan melepaskan semua bajunya dengan lawan jenis yang didekatnya. Kelebihan dosis akan membuat peminum pingsan, ikuti aturan minumnya. Ramuan alami dari china 1 botol berisi 20 capsul. Harga Rp. 200.000,- / botol

Kondom Berduri (code: KB), tahan bocor, sangat tipis seperti tidak pakai kondom, lembut dan lunak, terasa nikmat bagi kaum pria dan wanita sehingga akan ketagihan. 1 dos berisi 200 pcs. Harga Rp. 200.000,- / Dos

Boneka Body Wanita (code: BBW), dari jepang, 35 cm x 20 cm, rasa seperti perawan wanita beneran, sangat nikmat dan dapat empot-empotan, dapat bergetar dan seperti dipijat berputar-putar, tidak bisa robek, seperti dengan perawan wanita selamanya, lembut, dan lunak seperti daging yang menekan, nikmat tiada tara, pasti sangat amat puas dan ketagihan. Harga Rp. 350.000,

Oil Pembesar Penis Pria (code: OP3), dijamin dalam 1 jam setelah diolesi Penis akan membesar 10 kali dan panjang 3 kali lebih besar dari ukuran pada waktu ereksi secara normal. Jika diolesi setiap hari selama 1 bulan akan menjadi permanen. Terbuat dari campuran minyak tokek, kadal, kuda laut, akar Ginkgo Biloba dan ginseng. Ramuan dari negeri cina. 1 botol berisi 100 ml. Harga Rp. 150.000,-/botol

Mobile phone canggih GSM (code: HPC), dapat digunakan untuk memantau keberadaan seseorang dimanapun dia berada melalui satelit dari mobile phone anda, dapat melihat tingkah laku siapa saja pada waktu itu dimanapun dia berada, dapat melihat rumah dan mobil yang lalu lalang di negara/ kota manapun berada dari mobile phone anda. Dapat melihat pacar anda diluar kota tanpa dia sadari selama dia berada diluar gedung melalui satelit dari mobile phone anda. Harga: Rp. 5.000.000,-

Sales Agen (code: SA), Dicari Agen diseluruh Indonesia untuk memasarkan Produck ini, daftarkan segera. Biaya pendaftaran Anggota Agen Rp. 500.000,- , untuk Sales Agen setiap pembelian product akan mendapatkan potongan 50% plus Point liburan ke Hongkong dan Australia.
untuk info lebih lanjut Hub:

DV-X-RAY ( code DV-XR), digital camera very sophisticated, very small and attenuate , weight 215 gram, can see to penetrate the clothes, naked body looked to be all. Can be used in distance 2 km far it[him] looked to be like seeing distance 0,5 meter very clear. Price US$ 215, Money back guaranty. Warranty !!! Free Shipping delivery
for the info of furthermore:

DV-S.INFRARED X Ray (code: DV-S), digital camera infra squeeze sophisticated super, minimize and attenuate, weight 223 gram, can see to penetrate the wall, body [of] human being looked to be its bone, [is] turned around to x-ray can see to penetrate the clothes, naked body looked to be all. Can be used in distance 500 meter far it[him] looked to be like seeing distance 0,5 meter very clear. Price US$ 497,- Money back guaranty. Warranty !!! Free Shipping delivery

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Contact Lens of Blue ray (code: LBR), can see to penetrate paper and penetrate the clothes can read article [in] book apart 2 meter clearly. Price US$ 35,- Money back guaranty. Warranty !!! (buy more than 10, you get Free Shipping delivery)

Mini Tap Voice [of] headphone recorder (code: mhr), can tap the voice from distance 1 km. Price US$ 19, Money back guaranty. Warranty !!! (buy more than 20, you get Free Shipping delivery)

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Aphrodisiac Sex (code: OPS), in 30 drunkard minute of stimulate awfully, and cannot arrest ; detain the x'self until lost in so that will discharge all its clothes with the oposite gender which is the near by her. Dose excess will make the insensible drunkard, follow the order drink its. Natural ingredient from china 1 bottle contain 20 capsul. Price US$ 24 / bottle. Money back guaranty. Warranty !!! (buy more 10 bottle, you get Free Shipping delivery)

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Sophisticated Mobile phone [of] GSM (code: HPC), applicable to watch the existence somebody anywhere he/she reside in [through/ passing] satellite from your mobile phone, can see the whosoever behaviour by then anywhere he/she reside in, can see the house and car ago grass [in] state/ town wherever reside in from your mobile phone. Can see your girlfriend outside town without he/she realize during he/she reside in outside building [of] [through/ passing] satellite from your mobile phone. Price: US$ 574, Money back guaranty. Warranty !!! Free Shipping delivery

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Posts: 757
Date: Sep 13, 2007
Takut ke Sekolah : 13/9/2007

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